Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How Social and Professional Relationships Affect the Learning Process Essay

Explain how social organisations and relationships affect the learning process. When children start school they are will go through short simple assessments to enable them to be put in a group of which an activity or task they are asked to complete is appropriate for their stage and level of learning. The learning process can be affected by many different things in a positive or less positive way. For example When a child has built a relationship with another child whom is more confident at answering questions whether they are correct or not it can work either way in which it can give the child less confidence to answer at all as the more confident child may make fun of them if they knew the right answer or this can be a positive affect where the less confident child will learn from the confident child and give answering questions a go. If we as adults build positive relationships with each other and show our willingness to learn and enthusiasm to learn the positive relationships built with children will then show that the learning process is fun this is giving relationships a positive affect on the learning process. If a child has fallen out with a friend or been hurt by someone in the class this may cause them to become withdrawn and distracted from activities they are wanted to participate in. When teaching children you need to be aware of all the available support so that the child can reach their full potential, if any other organizations are involved you will need to have regular updates on how the child is doing so that if more support is needed this can be given or if they seem to be progressing further then other steps can be taken. It is very important to evaluating learning activities as this will enable the child to reach their full potential, it can be most important when planning activities as it can then give the child and the adult a chance to think about the learning that has taken place. When evaluating the learning activities it can be important as you can then see what works and what doesn’t, you may also find that some things need adapting for the different level of children. When evaluating the learning activities you can also see where you can improve on the way you delivered the activity and what worked best. Some children are easily distracted by others or certain environments that you wish to carry the task or activity out in it is in the child’s best interest to think of where to situate the activity or task in order for the  child to reach their full potential because then they can often be brought back round to focus and have the motivation to carry out what is asked of them i f the child has many distraction this can lead to the child not paying any interest in the adult and wandering off due to distractions. For example there is a particular child in the class i am in who always wants to go outside and play and often finds anything he can to fiddle with one day i carried out a short activity with this child and a couple of children which was just by the door to outside and there was a few odd bits on the floor for him to fiddle with as soon as we got to this area and through out the activity he ran to the door several times and would pick the various things up from the floor and throw them towards other children and i realised that being in this area doesn’t work with this child not only did it affect their learning but it also affect the other children in the groups learning process as bringing this child back to focus it stopped me from carrying out the task properly so next time i was working with this child i chose a different area away from the door and free from any objects that could distract the child when the activity was finished i saw a difference the child stayed focus ed and motivated on the task and the other children also could complete the task without any interruptions. When evaluating the learning activities it can help with planning future learning activities by looking at the learning objective to measure what the child has learnt, if the learning objective is not thought about carefully at the planning stage it can be almost to tell or evaluate whether the child has achieved the objective. When looking at the knowledge, understanding and skills i have in Literacy, Numeracy and ICT and how they can impact on practise I have a little knowledge, understanding and skills in all these areas that i can use and support the children. Whilst attending sure start i achieved a level 2 in English and have always been good at spelling completing crosswords and writing stories when i was younger. After having my children i went to college in the evening to complete a level 1 in maths although maths isn’t my strong point i feel confident in supporting the children. When my youngest child was at nursery i completed an open technology course which was from January 2009 till December 2009 i achieved entry level 1 and 2 in ict open systems and office applications. When supporting children through these areas you need to work confidently and understand the subject with  more experience the more impact it will have on the children’s learning. The knowledge and understanding in these areas have also been helped by having children of my own who have gone through the whole learning process from the beginning and helping them to complete work sent home gives me that little bit more confidence. There are many ways these areas have an impact on practice and the more input and experience i do and get can mean the more confidence i can gain in these subject areas. There are still many ways that i can improve my knowledge, understanding and skills in these areas and i recently had a discussion with the class teacher on what i felt i did well and what i felt and would like to have more support or knowledge below is a plan that me and the teacher have come up with. Literacy improvement plans | With literacy i am new to sounds and pronouncing them the correct way i have already photocopied all of the formations and the actions used in order to sound these right but to reinforce this and gain knowledge of the terminology used the teacher has said about a letters and sounds book which is the principles and practise of high quality phonics. | Numeracy improvement plans| The other day i worked with a group of children who find it hard to concentrate and i know that with children in year r the best way to teach them is through games and play but i’m not confident with creativity of games or leading the games the correct way so the teacher is going to give me some website addresses and a book which has ideas. The teacher has also said she may give a few choices of games to play that are appropriate to what the current learning objective is and allow me to take the lead in what works best for me and the small group of children.| ICT improvement plans | I have lots of ICT knowledge with programs and adult use but to support children to use the computers i am a little nervous about. The teacher and i discussed working on the computers with a few children playing through the games on computers and picking up skills through experiencing them first hand or some extra time to run through them by myself. The school also uses a smart board which is linked to a laptop i haven’t had much chance to work on this so the teacher has set up a few group activities for me to carry out using the smart board these have been numeracy games so far so interlinking the numeracy and ICT development plans that i wish to achieve.

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